JS Framework Evaluation – React and Angular

by sagacity


JavaScript (JS) frameworks or libraries are the set of pre-written JavaScript code which helps in easier development of the JavaScript based applications. There are plenty of JS frameworks available in market. It becomes very confusing to choose right JS framework for right use. Choosing the right framework for an application has the potential to accelerate the development schedule, increase productivity and satisfaction within team, enhance stability and ultimately lead to a better product. This blog evaluates two most prominent JS frameworks – Angular and React. My objective is to enable readers to get an insight to select the right JS framework from the two for their respective application.



Angular is an open-source front-end development framework supported by Google and is considered for creating dynamic websites and web apps. It is part of MEAN stack and is compatible with a large number of code editors. Its most recent stable version is Angular 7. Angular has component-based architecture and uses Typescript for web development which is typed JavaScript and error-free.

Angular provides enriched development experience through CLI (Command Line Interface) that allows creating projects quickly and producing components and services with one-line commands.

Angular provides Two-way data binding same as the Model-View-Controller architecture, where the Model and the View are synchronized. So changing data modifies view and changing view modifies data.

Angular offers Ionic framework for mobile app development, which comes with a Cordova container and an engaging UI component library. So, the developed application, when viewed on any device, appears like a web inside a native web app container.



React JS is also an open-source JavaScript library introduced by Facebook to build rich user interfaces. It is based on JavaScript and JSX (JavaScript XML) and is used widely for developing reusable HTML elements for front-end development. React also have component-based architecture and uses core JavaScript.

As React is JS library; the development speed and throughput depends on selection of third-party libraries. The team needs to determine the right third-party tools, which may vary from project to project.
React uses virtual DOM which is mapped to a real DOM that tracks modifications, and updates only modified elements without affecting the other parts of DOM tree.

React supports one-way data binding where child components are not affected when parent components are modified. This type of data binding makes the code more stable but requires additional work to synchronize model and view. Also, it takes more time to configure updates in parent components triggered by changes in child components.


High level feature difference:


Feature Angular React
Release date 2016 2013
Programming language Typescript JavaScript
Stable version 7.2.0 16.7.0
Learning curve Steep Moderate
Architecture Component based Component based
App size Relatively small Relatively small
DOM Real DOM Virtual DOM
Rendering Client/server side Client/server side
Template HTML/Typescript JSX+JS(ES5 and beyond)
Data Binding Two way One way



Selection of either of the above JS libraries depends on time and cost estimation.

Angular is good choice when:


  • You have expertise in Java and C#.
  • Your application is less complex.
  • You need to quickly build application using Angular’s ready to use solutions.

React is right fit when:


  • You have expertise in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Application is highly customized.
  • You can invest time on pre-development preparation.




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